Dr Catherine Borysiewicz
Helping you Love Your Skin
Dermatology is such a fascinating speciality which I am incredibly passionate about.
Skin ServicesAs featured in

Dr Catherine studied medicine at Cambridge University achieving an MA in immunology and virology. She studied clinical medicine at University College London and graduated with distinction. She completed her specialist dermatology training at a number of prestigious central London teaching hospitals.
Skin Services
Dr Catherine has a wealth of experience managing your dermatology concerns. Here are the most common conditions people seek treatment for, ranging from chronic conditions to small cosmetic concerns.
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Mole Mapping

A mole or melanocytic naevus is formed of a cluster of pigment producing cells called melanocytes. Some moles may be present from birth and we call these congenital naevi.

Acne is a chronic disorder of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands resulting in outbreaks of red painful spots. This can leave permanent scarring and can be challenging to treat.
Dry and Sensitive Skin

The skin feels dry and cracked when the outer layer of your skin called the stratum corneum has abnormalities in its barrier function. This lack in barrier function causing a reduction in lipids (fats) and a reduction in water-holding ability.

Eczema can affect all ages and presents as dry, red patches on the skin which can be accompanied by bleeding (especially if the skin is being scratched) and can also become moist and weepy in an active flare up. Small water blisters may also develop on the hands and feet and the affected skin may become darker in colour.
Young Skin

The management of young skin provides a unique set of challenges. From baby eczema to persistent teenage acne, each case is unique and its management should be tailored to the individual.
Sun Damaged Skin

Age spots, uneven pigmentation, melasma, moles, wrinkles, fine lines, skin laxity and spider veins are all signs of sun damage. Depending on your Fitzpatrick skin type the amount of time you can spend in the sun without burning will vary. But it is important to realise that damage can occur without creating a noticeable sunburn.
Cosmetic Dermatology
Your skin is unique, I use extensive experience of dermatology and understanding of the skin and its related structures to help achieve a smooth skin texture and glow- that can only be achieved with a healthy skin barrier.
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